Private Cloud

It’s a data center that dynamically provision and deliver services to business. This type of cloud computing is generally used by large companies and allows their corporate network and data center administrators to effectively become in-house ‘service providers’ catering to ‘customers’ within the corporation.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud infrastructure consists of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain separate, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology which enables data and application portability. Normally, it is a combination of public and private. A hybrid cloud is almost always a combination of public and private and is the combination considered in this section.

We’ve highlighted five areas that offer significant benefits of Hybrid cloud which help your business.

Global Reach

Disaster Recovery

Unpredictable loads

High scale


Multi Cloud

Multi cloud is the use of two or more clouds from different cloud providers. This can be any mix of Infrastructure, Platform, or Software as a Service (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS). For example, you may consume email as service from one vendor, customer relationship management (CRM) from another, and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from yet another. Multi-cloud platforms enable the end users with below benefits.

  • Easily manage and deploy workloads on multiple clouds,
  • avoid vendor lock-in
  • reduce cost
  • increase overall productivity


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