Cloud Services

- Don't be overwhelmed with managing your IT infrastructure

With an extensive experience of deploying private cloud networks for our customers for many years, BTC has also implemented many hybrid and multi-cloud projects thereby giving the client to have flexibility to have its critical applications on premises in a private could and rolling out dynamic and less critical applications on public clouds on any cloud platform to have the ability to immediately respond to the requirements of the application whenever traffic, compute resources demand increases and vice versa.

A multi-cloud platform option provides the best services that each platform offers, this allows companies to customize & minimize the infrastructure that is specific to their business goals.

Types of Cloud

A virtual private cloud is an on-demand configurable pool of shared computing resources allocated within a public cloud environment, providing a certain level of isolation between the different organizations using the resources. The private cloud is defined as computing services offered either over the Internet or a private internal network and only to select users instead of the general public.

So private clouds require the same staffing, management, and maintenance expenses as traditional data center ownership. Private cloud (internal cloud or corporate cloud)is a type of cloud computing that delivers similar advantages to public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture. Unlike public clouds, which deliver services to multiple organizations, a private cloud is dedicated to the needs and goals of a single organization.

Private clouds can differ in the way that they are hosted and managed, providing different functions depending on the needs of the enterprise:

• Virtual -- a virtual private cloud is a walled-off environment within a public cloud that allows an organization to run their workloads in isolation from every other user of the public cloud. Even though the server is shared by other organizations, the virtual logic ensures that a user's computing resources are private. Organizations can use a VPC to enable hybrid cloud deployment.

• Hosted -- in a hosted private cloud environment, the servers are not shared with other organizations. The service provider configures the network, maintains the hardware and updates the software, but the server is occupied by a single organization

• Managed -- this environment is simply a hosted environment in which the provider manages every aspect of the cloud for the organization, including deploying additional services such as identity management and storage. This option is appropriate for organizations that do not have the staff that is equipped to manage private cloud environments alone.

Private vs Public Cloud

Private cloud vs. Public cloud
A public cloud is where an independent, third-party provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, owns and maintains compute resources that customers can access over the internet. Public cloud users share these resources, a model known as a multi-tenant environment. Private clouds are often deployed when public clouds are deemed inappropriate or inadequate for the needs of a business. For example, a public cloud might not provide the level of service availability or uptime that an organization needs. In other cases, the risk of hosting a mission-critical workload in the public cloud might exceed an organization's risk tolerance, or there might be security or regulatory concerns related to the use of a multi-tenant environment. In these cases, an enterprise might opt to invest in a private cloud to realize the benefits of cloud computing, while maintaining total control and ownership of its environment. However, public clouds do have advantages. A public cloud offers an opportunity for cost savings through the use of computing as a "utility" -- customers only pay for the resources they use. It can also be a simpler model to implement because the provider handles a portion of the infrastructure responsibilities.

Private cloud vs. Hybrid cloud
A hybrid cloud is a model in which a private cloud connects with public cloud infrastructure, allowing an organization to orchestrate workloads across the two environments. In this model, the public cloud effectively becomes an extension of the private cloud to form a single, uniform cloud. A hybrid cloud deployment requires a high level of compatibility between the underlying software and services used by both the public and private clouds.

This model can provide a business with greater flexibility than a private or public cloud because it allows workloads to move between private and public clouds as computing needs and costs change. A hybrid cloud is suitable for businesses with highly dynamic workloads, as well as businesses that deal in big data processing. In each scenario, the business can split the workloads between the clouds for efficiency, dedicating host sensitive workloads to the private cloud, and more demanding, less specific distributed computing tasks to the public cloud. In return for its flexibility, the hybrid model sacrifices some of the total control of the private cloud and some of the simplicity and convenience of the public cloud.

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